This is a rapidly advancing world, with new technologies sprouting up every year and information being shared across the globe among millions of people. When considering the state of things in the past, when there were no such things as human rights and women didn't have the power to vote, we have come a long way as well towards building a better, more peaceful world.
Yet still, we are far from perfect. And when it comes to veganism and celibacy, which seem pretty straightforward to me now that I am a celibate vegan, many people are confused and do not know what these are about, because most of us are raised in societies where the opposites are the norm.
So I will simplify these and put them in a nutshell to fit into this introductory post.
"Veganism is a way of living which seeks exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose."
To explain the definition above, it means that veganism is about nonviolence—not causing deliberate harm to others (all sentient beings, which includes humans and nonhuman animals capable of suffering)—which is the least that we can do, and what we must all strive to do when living together on this planet. The "far as is possible and practicable" refers to accidental harm that occur when we live; for example, a mouse may have been accidentally killed in the process of harvesting grain, we may run over an animal when driving, or the plant-based dish ordered at a restaurant may contain traces of animal products through cross-contamination. Sometimes, there are not even clear scenarios of black and white, and it's shades of grey, and just by living, we inadvertently cause harm, which are all covered by that phrase "as far as is possible and practicable".
Vegans therefore, boycott businesses that make profit off of animals, reject the commodity status of animals and acknowledge that animals should not be exploited for human purposes; the same way it is wrong to use human slaves.
Next, what is celibacy? Celibacy is often confused with abstinence, which is not engaging in sexual activity until marriage. Celibacy is a conscious choice to not engage in sexual activity with no such time limit. Definitions of celibacy on the web state that it may mean refraining from marriage as well—not necessarily the case. Celibacy simply means not having sex, whether it is within marriage or without.
Now if veganism is practiced by a minority at the moment though growing rapidly around the world, celibacy is even more rare, mostly practiced by priests and monks, so much so that most people associate it with them, and do not give it a second thought.
I intend to talk of all things regarding celibacy, why it's important and more, as well as draw parallels with the situation with the other "revolutionary" and "extreme" and "self-depriving" practice in the world today—veganism.